
By: Stephen King “He lay back, put his arm over his eyes, and tried to hold onto the anger, because the anger made him feel brave. A brave man could think. A coward couldn’t.” Stephen King, Misery *This post contains spoilers for Misery By: Stephen King I can’t believe that I haven’t read this bookContinue reading “Misery”

Final Girls

By: Riley Sager “I was friendly but friendless. Approachable yet purposefully aloof. I saw no point in getting too close with anyone.” Riley Sager, Final Girls *This post contains spoilers If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a Final Girl, they are usually used to describe the one girl who makes it to theContinue reading “Final Girls”

Hidden Bodies By: Caroline Kepnes

“The real horror of my life is not that I’ve killed some terrible people. The real horror is that the people I’ve loved didn’t love me back.” Caroline Kepnes, Hidden Bodies Overview: Joe Goldberg needs a fresh start. A place where no one knows him or the secrets that he has left behind. LA isContinue reading “Hidden Bodies By: Caroline Kepnes”

Survive the Night By: Riley Sager

“They’ve reached Interstate 80. The road that will take them out of New Jersey, all the way across Pennsylvania, and into Ohio. And Charlie has no idea who the man driving her there really is.” Riley Sager, Survive the Night *This review contains spoilers I usually refrain from spoilers in reviews but this book wouldContinue reading “Survive the Night By: Riley Sager”

Did I Say You Could Go By: Melanie Gideon

“Comeuppance. She’s always loved that word. Gemma Howard is finally feeling what it’s like to be exiled from a community. To be publicly pilloried, just as she’d been, seven years ago” Melanie Gideon, Did I Say You Could Go *Just a warning that this book contains depictions of suicide and child abuse. This title aloneContinue reading “Did I Say You Could Go By: Melanie Gideon”