2024 Goals… and What I’m Looking Forward To

I for one, am so thrilled that 2023 is over. I have a lot of plans for the new year and can’t wait to put everything from last year behind me. Here are some of my reading related goals for 2024! Read 100 Books This is my goal every year. I usually start off strongContinue reading “2024 Goals… and What I’m Looking Forward To”

My Books 2023

Here are the books that I have read in the year 2023. Those with reviews have been linked below. Honestly, I kinda let myself down this year in terms of total books read. Life gets in the way and before you know it the year is over with your TBR pile higher than you startedContinue reading “My Books 2023”

Peter Meets a Dragon

From Best Loved Fairy Tales Published in 1999 Synopsis There once was a boy named Peter who was very bored with his ordinary life. He wished so desperately that something exciting would happen. One day, he wakes up to find scorch marks in his yard and smells burning. Peter follows the scorch marks to findContinue reading “Peter Meets a Dragon”

My November Books 2023

I can’t believe this year is almost over. Just four more weeks and we are in 2024! Here are the books that I have read in the month of November 2023. The discussion posts have been linked in the list.

The Daisy

By: Hans Christian Andersen Synopsis There once was a little daisy that grew in a garden by a farmhouse. The daisy was quite content with their life and was not jealous of the other flowers that stood bigger and prouder. One day a lark chose to land by the daisy as it thought the daisyContinue reading “The Daisy”

The Frog Prince

By: Brothers Grimm I loved this story growing up. Something about the visual of the golden ball was always so appealing to me. I will say that I didn’t quite remember all of the story. The frog begging the girl to sleep in her bed was pretty unsettling. If you’re unfamiliar, or didn’t remember allContinue reading “The Frog Prince”

The Rose-Elf

Hans Christian Andersen Synopsis In a garden, grows the most beautiful rose and in that rose lived a little elf. While exploring the garden he accidentally stays out too late and all the roses are closed. Not being able to take shelter the elf becomes distraught as he has never been left out in theContinue reading “The Rose-Elf”

The Golden Key

By: The Brothers Grimm This is a 186 word story from the Grimm brothers. Synopsis A poor boy has to go out and gather wood during the winter when the snow is heavy on the ground. Once he gathered enough, he realized that he was cold and decided to start a fire to warm upContinue reading “The Golden Key”