My Books 2023

Here are the books that I have read in the year 2023. Those with reviews have been linked below. Honestly, I kinda let myself down this year in terms of total books read. Life gets in the way and before you know it the year is over with your TBR pile higher than you startedContinue reading “My Books 2023”

My November Books 2023

I can’t believe this year is almost over. Just four more weeks and we are in 2024! Here are the books that I have read in the month of November 2023. The discussion posts have been linked in the list.

My April Books 2022

Here are the books that I have read in the month of April 2022. Those with reviews have been linked below. April was a tough month for reading. The weather’s getting nicer and the pandemic is winding down. I definitely didn’t get through all the books I hoped to but did manage to buy quiteContinue reading “My April Books 2022”