The Daisy

By: Hans Christian Andersen Synopsis There once was a little daisy that grew in a garden by a farmhouse. The daisy was quite content with their life and was not jealous of the other flowers that stood bigger and prouder. One day a lark chose to land by the daisy as it thought the daisyContinue reading “The Daisy”

The Frog Prince

By: Brothers Grimm I loved this story growing up. Something about the visual of the golden ball was always so appealing to me. I will say that I didn’t quite remember all of the story. The frog begging the girl to sleep in her bed was pretty unsettling. If you’re unfamiliar, or didn’t remember allContinue reading “The Frog Prince”

Starling House

By: Alix E. Harrow “I wonder if the feeling will fade. If the memory of a single season will be buried beneath the weight of ordinary years, until it is just a story, just another little lie. If I will learn to be content with enough, and forget that I was ever foolish enough toContinue reading “Starling House”

The Sugar Queen By: Sarah Addison Allen

“I think Heaven will be like a first kiss.” Sarah Addison Allen, The Sugar Queen Overview: Josie is used to hiding secrets; her travel brochures, snack supply and feelings for a certain mailman to name a few. But her biggest secret comes in the form of an acquaintance, Della Lee who she discovers hiding outContinue reading “The Sugar Queen By: Sarah Addison Allen”