The Frog Prince

By: Brothers Grimm I loved this story growing up. Something about the visual of the golden ball was always so appealing to me. I will say that I didn’t quite remember all of the story. The frog begging the girl to sleep in her bed was pretty unsettling. If you’re unfamiliar, or didn’t remember allContinue reading “The Frog Prince”

The Golden Key

By: The Brothers Grimm This is a 186 word story from the Grimm brothers. Synopsis A poor boy has to go out and gather wood during the winter when the snow is heavy on the ground. Once he gathered enough, he realized that he was cold and decided to start a fire to warm upContinue reading “The Golden Key”

The Water Sprite

By: The Brothers Grimm This is the first of hopefully many Fairy Tale Fridays, where I go over a fairy tale or fable and discuss what the heck they are actually about. I will pick a new tale each week, give my own re-telling and then discuss what I think the author was trying toContinue reading “The Water Sprite”