Did I Say You Could Go By: Melanie Gideon

“Comeuppance. She’s always loved that word. Gemma Howard is finally feeling what it’s like to be exiled from a community. To be publicly pilloried, just as she’d been, seven years ago” Melanie Gideon, Did I Say You Could Go *Just a warning that this book contains depictions of suicide and child abuse. This title aloneContinue reading “Did I Say You Could Go By: Melanie Gideon”

Jane Eyre By: Charlotte Brontë

“I do not think, sir, you have any right to command me, merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your claim to superiority depends on the use you have made of your time and experience.” Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre This is one ofContinue reading “Jane Eyre By: Charlotte Brontë”

The Cruel Prince By: Holly Black

“Instead of being afraid, I could become something to fear.” Holly Black, The Cruel Prince This read was defiantly brought on by bookstagram. I started a bookstagram account about a month ago to socialize with the book community. I had no idea how supportive and positive everyone would be. I highly recommend it if youContinue reading “The Cruel Prince By: Holly Black”

Dark Places By: Gillian Flynn

“The truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty – we all have it.” -Gillian Flynn, Dark Places I picked this book up on my first trip to a bookstore since the pandemic. I can’t tell you how great it felt to be able to physically touch books and explore the shelves. IContinue reading “Dark Places By: Gillian Flynn”

The Next Wife By: Kaira Rouda

“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.” -Kaira Rouda, The Next Wife I make a point ever month to download a book from Amazon’s First Read program because; A: it’s free if you have Prime and B: you can discover some really great books and authors that you hadn’t considered. This was a First ReadContinue reading “The Next Wife By: Kaira Rouda”

Ready Player Two By: Ernest Cline

“The simulation had now become indistinguishable from real life.” -Ernest Cline, Ready Player Two I cannot overstate how excited I was to here that Ernest Cline was writing a sequel to Ready Player One. I have read the original book a handful of times and remains as one of my go to books if I’mContinue reading “Ready Player Two By: Ernest Cline”