The Frog Prince

By: Brothers Grimm

I loved this story growing up. Something about the visual of the golden ball was always so appealing to me. I will say that I didn’t quite remember all of the story. The frog begging the girl to sleep in her bed was pretty unsettling.

If you’re unfamiliar, or didn’t remember all the details like me, enjoy the recap below.


There once was a king who had beautiful daughters but none were more beautiful than the youngest.

The youngest daughter liked to spend her time in the dark woods near the castle. There sat a well and the girl liked to sit by it and toss her golden ball in the air. One day the ball slipped out of her hands and sank to the bottom of the well.

Distraught and weeping the girl attracted a frog to her side, The frog asked her what was wrong and the girl told him her predicament. The frog agreed to help the girl but in return she would allow him to:

“sit by you at table, and eat from your plate, and drink from your cup, and sleep in your little bed.”

Brothers Grimm, The Frog Prince

The girl agreed and the frog retrieved the ball for her with ease.

The King’s daughter then picked up her ball and ran back to the castle without thinking of the little frog and her promises to him.

The next day the frog came to the castle. The King was shocked that his daughter would go back on her promise and demanded that she keep her word.

When night fell and it was time to sleep the girl was obligated to share her bed with the frog. Angered by this, she picked him up and threw him against the wall. As soon as he hit the hard surface the frog transformed into a handsome prince. Naturally she immediately married him and he told her of the wicked curse that had been placed upon him.

The two traveled in grand fashion to the Prince’s kingdom with the help of Henry, the servant of the young Prince. Henry was so pained when his Prince was turned into a frog that her had to wear iron bands around his heart to keep it from breaking. So full of joy, Henry’s bands snapped as he no longer needed them.

The End

Lessons & Takeaways

Don’t Judge Based Off of Appearances

In the story, the princess initially finds the frog repulsive and is hesitant to fulfill her promise of befriending him. However, as she gets to know him, she realizes that true beauty lies within. This teaches us the importance of looking beyond superficial qualities and valuing inner virtues.

That slimy frog might turn our to be a prince.

Always Keep Your Promises

Another lesson from the story is the importance of keeping one’s promises. Despite her initial reluctance, the princess eventually keeps her word and treats the frog as her companion. This highlights the significance of honoring our commitments, no matter how challenging or unexpected they may be.

The Value of Gratitude

Furthermore, The Frog Prince teaches us the value of gratitude and appreciation. When the frog retrieves the princess’s golden ball from the well, she initially fails to express her gratitude. However, upon realizing his selflessness, she ultimately thanks him. This reminds us to acknowledge the kindness and efforts of others, promoting a sense of gratitude and compassion.

Growing as a Person

Lastly, the story emphasizes the concept of transformation and personal growth. Through the princess’s trust and kindness, the frog is ultimately transformed into a handsome prince. This symbolizes the potential for change and the power of love and acceptance in transforming not only others but also ourselves.

The Frog Prince serves as a timeless fairytale, offering valuable lessons about acceptance, keeping promises, expressing gratitude, and embracing personal growth. These lessons remind us of the importance of kindness, empathy, and looking beyond appearances in our interactions with others.

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