The Golden Key

By: The Brothers Grimm

This is a 186 word story from the Grimm brothers.


A poor boy has to go out and gather wood during the winter when the snow is heavy on the ground. Once he gathered enough, he realized that he was cold and decided to start a fire to warm up before heading home. While creating a pit for a flame, he found the titular golden key under the snow.

The boy thought that where there is a key there must also be something that the key unlocks so he began digging, coming across an iron chest.

At first it did not look as if the key would fit in such a small lock but maybe by magic, it fit perfectly.

…And then the author lets us know that we need to wait until he opens it completely before finding out what is inside.

That’s literally it.

Lessons & Takeaways
Work Hard and Good Things Will Come to You

Often in fables and fairy tales, those that are at their lowest will have good things come to them if they work hard. The boy didn’t want to go out into the cold and gather the firewood but he did and was rewarded (possibly) for his labors.

He could have just taken the key and went home but instead he thought bigger and took the time to look for the chest. I am a little skeptical as to how he was easily able to dig into the frozen winter earth so easily but you know, magic.

Anything Could be in the Box if We Can Never Confirm What is Actually There

It is an exercise in imagination. It is a good story to tell kids because each one of them is going to come up with their own idea of what the box contains. Most likely it would be some sort of treasure but it could also be a curse that has been trapped for centuries, waiting to be released.

This open-ended nature sparks creativity and engenders a sense of wonder.

It Could Be a Bad Thing

Curiosity is not always good. Sometimes (very frequently in fairy tales actually) the woods are not your friend. What if it is not meant for the boy and he just took something very valuable to a powerful person? What if it unleashes a horrible terror on his world?

However, you can’t not open the box. In my mind there is no option. Your life is already not the best so take a risk to improve your lot in life. More often than not, fairy tales tell the reader that the only way to dig yourself out of poverty is to stumble upon an opportunity and take it.


“The Golden Key” by the Brothers Grimm captivates readers with its sense of wonder, the importance of hard work, and the allure of exploration. So, dive into this enchanting tale and let your imagination run wild as you ponder what secrets lie inside the iron chest.

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